Thursday, November 14, 2013

Take a Sneak Peak!

 Peak into our 5th grade classes as they learn through the use of technology!
Having Fun with Technology II

Monday, November 11, 2013

Give $1 to the TSA Annual Fund!

Woohoo!  Fifth grade is at 29% in our giving to the Annual Fund.  It is not the amount you give, but that you give.  When applying for grants, the school must be able to show that our faculty, alumni, and parents support the goals financially.  We would love for 5th grade to be at 100% showing complete support, just as our faculty and staff have done.  Won't you please join us in the quest to obtain grants for our school?

Friday, November 8, 2013

5th Grade Classmate Biographies


We are finishing up our Classmate Biographies.  Please send a recent picture of your child so that we may match biography and child for display.  As we complete these projects, please come visit our "Wall of Fame!"

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Discount Cards From the Athletic Department

Today, your child may have come home with an envelope containing five TSA Discount cards. These cards sell for $10 and pay for themselves many times over when you frequent these businesses. Our athletic department sponsors these cards each year.  If you would like to purchase one or sell to your friends, please return the money to your homeroom teacher.  Please understand you are under no obligation to purchase or sell these cards.  If you decline, please send all 5 cards back to your child's homeroom teacher.  Thank you for supporting TSA!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Giving With A Thankful Heart

For the month of November, Elementary Student Council will be collecting the following items for the Macon Rescue Mission Dove Center.  Many clients of the Dove Center leave their homes with nothing.  These items help to make this transition more comfortable.

Collection boxes will be located outside Mrs. Foxworth’s room, outside Mrs. Cheek’s office, and in the elementary office.

Laundry detergent
Clorox wipes
Liquid bleach
Anti-bacterial soap
Hand Sanitizer
Boxes of tissues

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Kids Yule Love - Save the Date!

Who:    3K-12th
When:  Monday, December 9th, 8:15-10:00 A.M.
Where: Tattnall Square Academy Athletic Complex

Student Council and Key Club are busy working on our 26th annual Kids Yule Love Christmas program.  As always, we seek the cooperation and support of our Tattnall student body to make this event a success. Each student is encouraged to bring at least one unwrapped toy to the assembly that morning.  These toys will be given to Kids Yule Love for distribution to needy children in our community.  Thanks to you, Tattnall has always been one of the biggest donors to this worthy organization, and we desire to continue this tradition.  Any parents, siblings, grandparents, or Tattnall friends, who are free that morning, are welcome to attend the program.  Save the date and join us.  You’ll be glad you did!  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Shirley Kitchings  (