Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Reading With Your Child: Installment #1


As parents we have an enormous amount of influence on our children. Reading to and with your children can be one of the most influential and educational times that you spent with your young ones on a daily basis. Over the next few days we are going to share some fun ways and helpful hints that will make this time even more special.

HINT #1 
Choose a "just right"  book using the "five-finger rule."
Have your child survey the cover of  a book of his choice.  Read the title and author, as well as the blurb on the back of the book.  Finally,  have your child open the book to any page in the middle of the book and read that page. Each time he comes across a word he does not know, he should hold up a finger. If he gets to five fingers before she finishes reading the page, the book is too hard. If he doesn't hold up any fingers, the book is probably easy for your child and can be used to build reading fluency.  If she holds up two or three fingers, the book is likely to be at a good level for her reading to grow. (adapted from Great Schools)