Friday, January 20, 2012

Important Dates to Remember


Please be aware of the following upcoming dates for activities in the 5th grade!

January 26 - 100th Day of School
January 30 - Turn-in day for Pizza and Cookie Dough sales
February 1 - 7:30 AM - Doughnuts with Donna
February 12 - All School Open House, 2:00-4:00
February 12 and 13 - Talent Show
February 14 - Tattnall Night at Stevi B's
February 15 - Tattnall Night at Steve's Corner Cafe

Final Countdown for Our Fundraiser!

Many of you have been "busy little beavers" selling pizza and cookie dough!  January 23-January 29 is the last week to sell as much as you can to help pay for your Wahsega trip.  Turn-in day is Monday, January 30th.  Remember to have ONE check for your total sales, and please have this check made payable to TSA.  The products will be delivered the week of February 13th.  We will let you know the definite date when we place the order.  Keep selling!  It does help defer the cost of your trip!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

2012 Spelling Bee Results

Congratulations go to Beijun Desai, the runner-up in TSA's Spelling Bee.  Our other 5th grade contestants were Cam Collins and Paul Kelley.  They all represented the 5th grade exceptionally well!   Seventh grader Emily Mixon won the bee and will advance to the next level of the GISA Spelling competition later this year.  We salute you!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Kudos To Our 5th Graders!

 A big congratulations goes to Beijun Desai, the winner of our 13th annual National Geography Bee, held Tuesday, January 10th.  Beijun participated along with fellow 5th grader, Garrett Earls, and 8 other 4th through 8th grade students.  Wow!  What an accomplishment!

Our Spelling Bee participants are Paul Kelley, Beijun Desai, and Cam Collins!  The Spelling Bee will be held Thursday, January 19th, at 9:00 a.m. in Trojan Hall.  Come cheer these boys on to victory!

(Also pictured above is runner-up sixth grader, Landon Johnson)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

5th Grade Field Trip News

Mark your calendars! April 18th -20th  are the dates for our Camp Wahsega field trip. We always have such a wonderful time and would love for each and everyone of you to join us as chaperones. Our days and nights are filled with hikes through the forest, learning games, campfires, skits, and so much more. Come and take this once in a lifetime opportunity to play in the mountains with your child!
We are offering a fundraising opportunity for any family that would like to participate. This is totally optional. We will be selling pizzas and desserts from Southern Fundraising, a reputable company that we have used in the past. The sale runs from Mon., Jan. 9 - Mon. Jan 30. The sale brochures will be coming home in your child's Mon. folder.
We look forward to an awesome sale and trip with you all.